Dear Nursing Student, DON’T FOLD!

young woman drinking coffee confidently

Dear Nursing Student,

This may be the time of the semester where you start to get a little complacent. The newness of the year is starting to wear off and the familiarity of what you do as a nursing student is becoming more clear. As a result, you may find yourself falling into the complacency trap. You have taken a few exams, maybe had a few wins…or maybe a few failures. We have all heard people say “C’s get degrees, I just want to pass, or I don’t even care, I’m just trying to graduate.” Let me tell you now: COMPLACENCY IS A KILLA!

I am definitely not trying to tell you that you have to strive for perfection or that C’s are not good enough. But, are you giving everything your very best effort? Are you truly trying your best? Are you giving it all you have? Can you truly say that you are proud of what you are doing? The reason why I am saying this, is because I don’t want to see you fail comfortably. As an example, I have seen so many students get way too complacent, only to end up failing from lack of effort. DON’T FOLD! Don’t play yourself.

I see you. Tired and over it already? Yeah, I can get that too. And more importantly, I know you want to win more than you want to quit. I know you want this ever so badly! So, let’s do this, ok!? Let’s wake up every morning and get consistent. Get methodical and passionate. Become task oriented and stay on task. Banish negative thinking. Give it your all. Tell those “nursing school problems” where they can go. And finally, make yourselves proud. Are you ready to win? Then, let’s go. Don’t fold. Not today and certainly not tomorrow. We can do this…all together now!! Now, if more motivation is needed , read the very first letter I wrote to nursing students that made it’s way to students all over. Also, if it is time for NCLEX, I highly recommend Hurst Review Services!

I smell future nurses and coffee,
