Word of The Year (2023): PRESENT

It’s been a while. That might be putting it lightly. It’s been a long while. This was intentional and I needed to be present. A lot has changed since I last blogged. A new role at work. A beautiful baby girl who will celebrate her 1st birthday this month. A lot of adjusting to my “new normal.” But, thank goodness we are here to see it!

Since I’m “back” and it’s the top of the year, I thought I would share my word of the year with you all. This is something that I love doing yearly. I choose my word with intention. What word encompasses all the goals I have for the year? What word will help me work on things and stay on task? Will it help me not only help myself, but others too? This year, after going back and forth, I chose PRESENT.

Here is something that you need to know about me: I live in my head. A LOT. I talk to myself (in my head AND aloud.) This is not always a bad thing. In fact, most of the time, I rather enjoy it. I like checking in with myself. Many times, this is how I am able to refocus. But, the issue is that sometimes I would rather retreat to the safety of my mental wonderland, than face what is really happening in front of me. I will daydream instead of do. “What if” sometimes feels better than “what is.” I can create this amazing plan in my head, but my follow-through needs a major overhaul!

So, this year, I am setting the intention of being PRESENT. Fully present. Aware. Alert. Willing to press through conflict. Coming up with a plan and seeing it through. In the moment. And maybe this is something we share. Maybe you are a nursing student who creates a great study plan, but flakes on it by Tuesday. Or you may be a parent who is wondering when this phase will end or worried about what the next phase will bring, instead of embracing the now and all that comes with it. You might be always talking about what you will do tomorrow, or hung up on something you did years ago. You may think that you don’t deserve to be able to go for all you have been called to because of your past. Who are you TODAY? Right now at this very moment? This should be our focus.

Our past, our hurts, our hang-ups, and mistakes should not be what exiles us from a great future. Instead, it should be the catalyst that helps us strive towards one. For ourselves. For our family and friends. Heck, for complete strangers too! Let’s keep doing the work!

I would love to know what your word of the year is, if you have one! Leave a comment to share. You can see 2022’s word of the year here! However, this is my personal favorite, 2021’s here!

Peace out,


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