Lacking Motivation? Become Disciplined Instead!

Oh, motivation! Where are you? Here one minute and gone the next. If you have been around me long enough, you know I LOVE a good #MotivationalMonday! I love sharing positive stories, keeping a positive mindset and outlook. I love to be your cheerleader. But, if I’m being honest, there are just sometimes you don’t WANT to do the thing. You won’t feel like it. Maybe you are feeling burned out. Do you feel like you should take a break all the time?

We have all been here and no amount of “can do” team spirit is going to change how you feel. There are so many days where I start off strong! I’ve got my game plan ready and I get to work. Then, before I even finish the first task, I start thinking about how nice it would feel to curl up on the couch underneath my blanket! The next thing I know, Netflix is asking me if I’m still watching and my break has turned into a nice, long nap!

Am I saying resting, taking naps, or shutting down for a bit to recharge are bad things? ABSOLUTELY NOT! As a 9 on the Enneagram, I might just be an expert on rest. But, rest is also my crutch. When I get overwhelmed, taking a nap becomes priority #1 on the agenda. I don’t need motivation or an invitation to slow down. Deep down, my spirit animal is a well-caffeinated sloth. Can’t you see it now? A sloth with a coffee mug, slowly savoring their brew of choice. Then, having to microwave it a bunch of times because they can’t drink all of it while it is still hot.

So, how do you fight having low motivation? DISCIPLINE! The world will make you think discipline is punishment. It’s not meant to be! Discipline is INSTRUCTION. A guideline, a tool, a road-map to show you the way! Discipline is the developed practice of doing something. Please make no mistake!! Discipline is NOT just doing what you are supposed to do, need to do, or should do even when you don’t feel like it. Discipline may sometimes look like acknowledging how you feel and formulating a plan to ask for help with a task. It may look like a task taking you longer than it takes someone else. Healthy discipline requires a whole lot of grace. Without grace, it’s just punishment!

This topic is so good that it deserves another week. Next week, we will discuss some simple ways to develop disciplined practice! Start thinking, because I would love to discuss some of the ways you develop good habits! Until then!

Peace out,


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