How fear of failure and self-doubt kill your ability

We have all experienced it. Some of us know it all too well. We feel it creeping in as it starts to consume us a little at a time, until it is all we see and experience. For some of us, it is all we know. “I’ll never be…” “I’ll never have…” “But what if I?….” Have you ever said those things to yourself? Have you ever thought those things? More hurtfully, has someone ever said them to you? The likelihood is that you have. You have probably self-destructed your own self-esteem more times than you realize. This is more than just damaging and hurtful. This kind of thinking is deadly.

We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations. Unfortunately, we are the biggest killer of our own dreams. Is failure a very real possibility? Yes! But, so is success! Both are very possible and the great thing is we have a say in what happens. This does not mean that just because you believe that you will be successful, that you automatically will be. Failure can still happen, despite all of our best efforts and intentions. But, some pretty amazing things happen when we believe in ourselves Here are some of the top things that can occur:

  • You believe it, so your work ethic changes to match your beliefs. Have you ever heard of the phrase vibrate higher? When you truly believe that you can do something, accomplish something, or achieve something, you start the necessary work to make it happen. You begin to operate at a higher frequency than before. When you have a low desire, you produce low results. So vibrate higher, friends!
  • You start experiencing minor wins that give you the fuel to continue on for the major wins! Tiny wins lead up to big victories. The little wins give you hope for what happens next! This also gives you a self-esteem boost, which helps you believe in your abilities more.
  • Other people around you see the changes! This fuels you…and them! Let’s call this the ripple effect. You believing in yourself, led to better results for you. This gives others the hope that the same can happen for them!

So guys, keep that belief in yourself strong! Continue to vibrate higher and let’s see how far we can actually go! You’ve got this!

Work it,


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