Dear Brand New Nurse,

I want to start this letter off just like I started the one I wrote a few years ago to nursing students. I SEE YOU. I’ve been you. It’s terrifying, isn’t it? This great, big, BEAUTIFUL, yet scary profession you’ve entered into…it’s not for the weak. Or faint of heart. Let me stop you right now, because I already think I know where your thoughts just took you. If you have made it to this point, then chances are IT IS FOR YOU. You just haven’t found your way yet. Maybe your coworkers are making this difficult for you. Maybe you are making this difficult for you. Either way, there is hope.

Not all nurses are great at being teachers. The truth hurts. That is why they can’t take you under their wing. Why they can’t show you the way. Why they just want to be left alone, so they can get their work done. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Surround yourself with nurses who like to educate the client. Who don’t mind teaching. These are your people when you have questions or need advice( or even sometimes, to vent to.)

If you want to help yourself get better, you have to stop the negative talk that you repeat to yourself. It’s easy to start believing the things you say. “Maybe this isn’t for me.” Yep, that’s believable after a while. Mainly, because your actions will start to mirror this thought. When you don’t believe you can do something, you really don’t give your best effort at it, do you? No, you don’t. Then, after a while…nursing really isn’t for you, because the results of your actions show you that.

There is no shame in realizing that an area of nursing or specialty isn’t for you! I love Maternal-Child and Education. Those are my jam. Those areas are my place in nursing. You can keep your ICU’s and long-term care, and Telemetry. Those aren’t for me. But, they are for someone. And someone is really good in those areas. There are nurses out there that can read an EKG strip better than they could say “See Spot run. Spot runs fast.” That’s not me. And THAT IS OK. Because, telemetry is not my place in nursing. But, maybe it is yours.

Find your place. Sometimes, it takes a while. Leave the place you don’t like after giving it a fair try. You should re-evaluate your job YEARLY, even if you like it. Nursing school isn’t for the weak or faint of heart either, but you made it! Part of the reason you feel this way is because you are NEW. Little babies don’t come here knowing how to walk, talk, or eat by themselves. So, why would expect to know how to do it all as a brand new nurse. Give it time. Fight through the learning curve. LISTEN, then thrive. Cry if you need to, when you need to, or even just because. Then, GET UP and try again.

There are so many people who didn’t make it to this point. People who haven’t passed NCLEX. People who didn’t pass nursing school. People who can’t get into nursing school. You have arrived. Now my question is, what are you going to do now that you are here? I hope you rise. I hope you soak up all the knowledge you can. I hope you stay in the game until you find your place. Then, I hope you do that thing, whatever it is, with all your heart. I SEE YOU. I’m for you. And more nurses are than you will ever know.

You’ve got this,



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