Why I chose Nursing Education!

Hey guys,


Someone requested that I post a video on why I chose to become a nursing educator and how I did it. This one was fun for me! No teleprompter, no script, just me! I am so passionate about nursing education and I could not wait to share this one with you guys! If you are looking into transitioning into the educator role or are curious about nursing education, then check out this video! Then, shoot me all your questions! I’ve got answers!


Much love,



  1. Tiffany Mcgilvery says:

    Great video AG!!!! Nursing Education is the career path I’m most interested in. I’m receptive to all info and tips on how to start the journey toward becoming a nurse educator. You’re such an inspiration and I enjoyed having you as our nursing director/ instructor. You are the educator I aspire to be some day😍

    • Ashley "A.G." Griffin says:


      I am in tears!! Thank you so much. You have encouraged me and motivated me to keep moving forward and sharing everything that I know. Thank you for being the kind of student that taught me as I taught you. You can be any and everything you want to be. The first step is to get your RN! Then, you are on your way!!! Let me know if I can be of any assistance to you!

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